
Mehwish Abbasi

Freelance Journalist | Columnist | Writer


July 2017

Fishing a struggle for fishermen of Sindh Pakistan with lack of basic life facilities by Mehwish Abbasi 

A fisherman struggles to catch fish to bread his children near #Jamshoro #SindhLife of fishermen is full Qof struggles and challenges in #Sindh they don’t have basic facilities of health and pure water even their children suffer from lack of education, no doubt they are rich in skills government must pay attention to them and provide them basic needs of life they will surely play a great role in economics of #Pakistan 

Photos and lines by Mehwish Abbasi

Jamshoro Sindh Pakistan 19 July 2017

  ٻالڪپڻ مهوش عباسي 

اڄ وري واپس پنهنجي ان دور ۾ موٽائي وئي آهيان جڏهن دنيا جي جنهنجهٽن کان آزاد پنهنجي دنيا جا مزا ماڻيندا هئاسين۔مونکي ياد آهي ته جڎهن اسڪول جو گهنڊ وڄندو هو ۽ استاد موڪل ڪندو هو اسان سڀ ڀرواري ميدان تي راند کيڏڻ ويندا هئاسون۔

مونکي ياد آهي ته ان دوران برف جا ٺهيل رنگين ڳنڍا ڪيترو شوق سان کائيندا هئاسين۔ مونکي ياد آ ته انهن ڏينهن ۾ ڪيڏو خوش هوندا هئاسين۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔


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